fredag, mars 06, 2009

Gratulerer med dagen, mamma!!

Happy birthday, Mom!

I hope everyone can see,
What a great mom you’ve always been,
And how much you mean to me.
I always think about you,
In times both good and bad,
For the things you taught are with me,
In happy times and sad.
So on this day I wish you joy,
Just like you pass around.
May all your good times multiply,
And happiness abound.

Every day since I was born,
My mother cared for me.
Now that’s a lot of caring,
As anyone can see.
Please, Lord, protect my mother,
And keep her safe from harm,
For she is a cherished person,
With great wisdom, love and charm.
Lord, it’s my mother’s birthday
So please, help her to see
Just how much she means to us,
Her loving family.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ååå, så koselig, Melinda. Tusen tusen takk:) Nu måtte ho mamma tørke litt i øyekroken. I wish you were here!